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Our MesoPeels®, range from superficial, medium, and deep. MesoPeel® is the most advanced range of chemical peels, designed for dermo-cosmetic professionals requiring safe efficient peels that are easy to use and control. Here at The Look by Louise Skin Health Clinic®, our specific peel ranges enable us to treat hyper-pigmentation, the signs of ageing, acne, breakouts, congestion, oil production, and other imperfections. Skin creams can keep your scar moisturised so it doesn’t become dry.

It’s better for your skin not to wear make-up. But if it makes you feel more confident to do so, choose products that are non-comedogenic as these shouldn’t cause blackheads, whiteheads, or acne. Smoking increases your chances of acne scars. Try not to pick or squeeze your skin as this can make acne worse and lead to acne scars. Changes to your hormones just before a period may cause acne to flare up. And if you’re pregnant, you might get acne in your first trimester .

Serum lipids should be checked before treatment, 1 month after the start of treatment, and subsequently at 3 monthly intervals unless more frequent monitoring is clinically indicated. Elevated serum lipid values usually return to normal on reduction of the dose or discontinuation of treatment and may also respond to dietary measures. Anaphylactic reactions have been rarely reported, in some cases after previous topical exposure to retinoids.

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